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Showing posts from 2022

Chapter Ten

  Tessa and Farrah, who hadth been wide awake since the crack of dawn, spread open the flowing antique white linen curtains that exposed golden bands of morning light. They cracked open the double pane windows and let in the sweet smell of freshly cut grass and the marigolds which grew on the lattice leading up to the sill. Elizabeth, who hadth awoken only fifteen minutes earlier, hadth a look on her face that shewed she was less than grateful for their gesture. "Good morning, miss," Farrah said, chiming.  Her eyes fluttered fast as she struggled to come back to her senses. They peeled back the thick down comforter from her curled-up body.  Elizabeth squinted. She said, with a groan as she tossed her head into the pillow, "Pray, tell me what hast happened? For I remember so little." She curled her fingers at her sweating forehead. "I can not say it for sure, miss. I hadth not seen thou since...." Farrah said, before she paused and looked at Tes...